Social media

It should be the Governments responsibility to put disinformation addiction algorithms in check, impossible to make majority of vulnerable population responsible for use of addictive technology


Bitcoin as trojan horse: get capital gains while promote freedom tools ( Alex Gladstein)


as scalable second layer, run bank solution on private infrastructure, be payment provider without trusting third party


Opportunities in equality and access to decentralized financial services, arweave compound, flexa (tyler Spalding)


Opportunities in portability and self hosting (openfaas)


Ability to easily distribute data and access to compute power, Important to watch for state controlled infrastructure


Important methods for individuals to protect against data hunger and great sovereign identity, good alternative for centralized identity providers


80% world access to phone, most important tool for private cryptography

Enterprise Service Bus

Way to structure disclosure of big interdependent systems and data streams, insure delivery of messages and allow large scale integration of systems


  • Opportunities for artists and creators to get paid directly and by secondary market
  • Smart contracts define business rules without notaries, people and interpretation
  • Web3 vision 2021

Smart contracts

Need proper auditing debugging and commenting

metaverse 3d / ar

Focus on portability of property across digital space. Needs improvements

Artificial Intelligence

  • Opportunities: text/video/image annotation 3.5bln 2024 (rens)
  • But Dangerous tool for empowering authorian regimes with oppression enablers


big opportunities to process and prepare data for AI ( (rens)

Quantum computing

Big danger to cryptography

Government & Open source

Common ground empowering citizens and municipalities to take back control of data



Private data and data/AI independence


Screen time


Climate change

Open data


1b2 A new cast system is creeping into our society creating a distinction between those able to think and take decisions for themselves and those who merely get subjected by the system and its algorithms.