delayed honesty

But you don’t have to be honest in the moment. So what I said was, “Oh my God, I’m so proud of you. It was so amazing to be here and watch you do your thing. I’ve never sat in the audience and seen you do your thing before. And it was so much joy to see you on stage.” All of that was true.

The next day when all the adrenaline had come down and there was no more emotion, I called her up and say, “Can I tell you what I thought of the play?” She goes, “Yeah.” And then I told her point by point why it sucked. But we had a rational conversation the next day. And I think we make this mistake all the time in our relationships, which is we think we have to be honest in the moment, but we don’t read the room and understand that there’s too much emotion involved to have a rational conversation. — Simon Sinek
