Caring for your self

caring for myself

  • being grateful for what I have
  • eating well
  • working out regularly
  • allowing myself to Sleep enough
  • taking enough time off
  • forgiving myself for mistakes
  • allowing myself to keep beginning again (Meditation)
  • reflecting on my feelings coaching
  • dressing myself properly Clothing
  • having healthy sustainable Finance
  • use Breathing Techniques to relax and reduce stress

The best work ethic requires a good rest ethic. -Kevin Kelly, from Excellent advice for Living

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Caring for others

caring for others

  • Caring for children / Parenting
  • caring for our parents
    • giving them love and attention
    • listening to them regularily
      • calling my dad every wednesday evening
  • caring for the old and dying
    • not leaving a mess for others to resolve (

      1. Don’t Leave a Mess

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    • accepting hospice care is not giving up (


      We urged his wife, Beth, to request hospice care. But to her that meant giving up, and in her desperation for more time, she told the doctors that my father wanted to extend his life at all costs; he’d jotted it down on a napkin somewhere.

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