- July 4th, 2023: Lunch and Learn Live Electronic Music Production
- September 12, 2020: Lifely x Emakina Nerd Summit GraphQL: Why What and How by Peter Peerdeman
- July 2, 2020: Mediacollege webinar: React Native Masterclass, door Peter Peerdeman en Rick Woltheus
- March 5, 2020: GraphQL, Apollo and GraphQL Subscriptions, at React JS Utrecht meetup
- February 15, 2019: Expert tracks vs Management tracks and portfolio tips, HelloMentor meetup at Lifely
- December 13, 2018: GraphQL and Apollo at Saxum Food n Code Meetup
- November 21, 2018: Kickstart your digital process with an agency
- October 27, 2018: GraphQL: The future of API’s is here
- April 11, 2018: Why the hybrid approach finally works
- March 12, 2018: Datamodels, API’s and GraphQL in practice
- February 22, 2018: From buzzwords to products, working with new technology at a software agency
- February 20, 2018: GraphQL, Apollo and optimistic UI updates
- January 24, 2018: The impact and glory of GraphQL in applications at Lifely
- November 20, 2017: ReactNative at Lifely
- April 21, 2017: Websockets and DDP in production
- April 20, 2016: Challenges and solutions for meteor in production
- March 16, 2016: Meteor and isomorphic javascript at JSMVC 15 in Amsterdam
- December 9, 2015: Moving to our own Meteor Docker infrastructure
- September 28, 2015: Webapplications: from Concept to Code
- September 4, 2015: DDP: The real time api for web applications
- July 1, 2015: Part up: a Meteor Production Story, at the Meteor Meet-up hosted by Lifely
- October 16, 2014: Queueing jobs with RabbitMQ and Symfony2
- April 29, 2014: From student to lead tech and back again
- December 4, 2013: Consuming RESTful Resources with AngularJS
presenting setup