PKM Summit 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed attending PKM Summit 2024! The conference was very well organised, in an easy going, unconference style. About 150 people attending in total, which was actually a lot more than I was expecting on this niche topic.
I got similar feelings as when I was attending the first Fronteers conferences back in the day: non-profit, run by volunteers, geared towards people meeting each other and sharing their knowledge on a specific subject. It was a nice touch that the organisers called for in-promptu workshops or talks to add to the official timetable.
Even though I did not take a formal spot in the timetable, I shared a rough sketch of my Quantified Self and PKM talk in between talks with a couple of people that recognized me from the online community and were interested in hearing more.
- Schedule:
- Online Community:
- hashtag: pkmsummit24
Peter Peerdeman Quantified Self and PKM (unofficial miniworkshop)
with Thomas Gurney, Miranda van Ark, Dennis Smit
- TODO followup quantified self presentatie / blog
Ernst Jan Pfauth - Thought Dividends
- lower barrier of taking notes
- Nathaniel eliason
- helps reflect on source materials
- establishing him as an author
- laid foundation for tiktok career
- Roland grootenboer
- publishing all questions and answers
- danny Meijer shake shack
- I was developing .. discover myself”
- jobs
- always be collecting dots
- see patterns
- keep it simple, with the outcome in mind
- Kipchoge
- take notes of each workout, and start recognising patterns
- revisiting notes
- random note
- keep lists (movies, restaurants, tips)
- meetings ritual every friday
- what did I learn
- tag for every person
- 30 min reflection minute
- write down favorite insights
- check previous notes
- readwise
- shows digest of favorite highlights
- every Tuesday go to highlights of that week
- in a slump? Check your notes
- Steven Johnson
- brainstorming with a past version of yourself
Nick Milo - Architects & Gardeners
- tasks - finite hard and clear
- ideas - infinite soft fuzzy
- rrvmartin
- 2 types of writers, architects and gardeners. Architects plan everything, gardeners dig a hole, plant a seed and water it
- architects
- can your convergent thinking be loose enough
- links modulate mode
- what is this a part of
- what does this relate to
- take notes vs make notes
- it has to be active
- say “because”
- rewrite and rethink
- “thats important, because”
- you MUST have an opinion
- thats good because
- its a thought
- name it to frame it: what should I call a note?
- mapping process
- gardener generate
- link notes
- gather and cluster notes in maps
- insights
- thoughts are and should be initially private, you MUST have an opinion
- term “sense making”
Arjan Broere - Work smarter with a dashboard
- 4000 weeks
- any choice you make have impact on choices you are
- Oliver burtman newsletter
- dashboard columns
- today
- in progress
- ambition
- reflection
- overarching theme on top
Marco Bogers & Mohammed Ali - Untangling Zettelkasten
attended with Paul Hughes, Agnes lausen, Jaco van der laan, Bram Donkers
- fleeting notes
- references
- statement title
- emotion
- not objective
- opinionated
- format
- statement
- quote
- idea
- links
- tags
- TODO vraag voor Mohammed: wat voor structuur gebruik je om notes te gaan combineren? ✅ 2024-03-22
- A: bij het toevoegen van een nieuwe zettel kom je je oude notes tegen, omdat je je nieuwe zettel ergens aan wilt linken.
Zsolt Viczián & Nicole van der hoeven - Roll for Connections: RPGs, CRM, and PKM
- Zsolt
- excalidraw plugin author
- it enterprise architect
- Nicole
- developer advocate
- ttrpg
- excalidraw plugin
- embedding parts of image
- synced
- what if every note had a drawing, as the backside of the image?
- questions
- how does this relate to the canvas
- embedding images?
Chris Aldrich - History of PKM
history of pkm slideshow:
- Chris Aldrich (remotely there)
- veinevaars bush 59 “as we may think”, memex / memindex
- humans are bad at innovation, good in imitation
- plato
- “writing will be the end of memory”
- raymundus lullus
- first randomize ideas together to produce new ideas
- gessner first method thats similar to zettelkasten
- hope: combine song and dance
- tips: juxtaposing ideas next to each other every week.
people met
still to meet
- harold jarche
- Anne-Laure Le Cunff
- ex google
presentation links
Show & Tell 2: Quick wins, hotkeys & other time-saving tools
Unlocking Your Potential with The AI-Infused Mind: Strategies for Personal Knowledge Mastery
Work Smarter with a dashboard: keep an overview of short and long term tasks
Exploring Productivity and Sense-Making in PKM: A Visual Comparison
The Architect & the Gardener - How to Be Both with Linked Notes
Intentional PKM: blending structure with the unexpected for growth
Why, what and how using daily notes as the heart of your PKM system
Reviving The Flattening Mind’ - fully human empowered by technology
Mind Gardening: A Flexible PKM System for Emergent Creativity