Ngnl 2015

@js_dev Aaron Frost community keynote

  • Building bridges > builders or crossers?
  • Community is important, internal and external

@elecash Videogular

  • Videogular html5 video player, offers all expected features and bindings for video data
  • dash streaming (apache ffmpeg)
  • dash content protection

@ocombe Lazy loading with oclazyload

  • Load site faster
  • Security (dont serve admin bundle)
  • angular 1.5 will have native lazy loading

@MauriceDB CQRS

  • data maturity model
  • cqrs commands with queries, still store state
  • event storing transaction ledger
  • makes for proper auditing
  • add projection service that turns events into read model / projection database
  • eventual consistency

@pkozlowski_os I18n

  • locale generated on demand
  • ngpluraluze
  • easily add translator later
  • i18n tool that generates set of translation texts for translator

@teropa making your own angular Directive parser

  • scope true (create new scope from current scope)
  • isolate scope (link attribute expressions to scope variables)

@Ghengeveld domain model

  • Domain logic
  • Classes

@djsmith42 Angular problems

  • Scope.$parent
  • Domain logic in controllers
  • Using ngcontroller
  • Ngif creates new scope scope shadowing
  • Use controller-as format
  • Don’t use watch to put data

@ManfredSteyer Oauth2

  • How to use oauth for authentication

@kentcdodds Formly

  • pretty sweet form abstraction
  • define forms in json

* Eventedmind meteor tutorials

People met during conf

20150213 ngnl