GraphQL at Lifely

  • intro
  • A short Lifely history
    • webapplications
      • php REST angular
      • meteor DDP blaze
      • node GraphQL react
    • experience with nonstandard API’s
  • I wanted more REST!
    • ”RESTfulness” debate
    • problems
      • embedded queries / parameter hacks
      • linking entities
      • verbs/methods on no entities
      • documentation? swagger
      • versioning
  • collaboration frontend team
    • documentation / handover
    • writing stubs / contracts
  • GraphQL gives us options
    • graphql as API mongodb/postgres (toptaal)
    • graphql as Integration own backend + REST (hva)
    • graphql as Proxy old legacy python app
    • graphql as convenience graphql API + separate REST API
  • challenges
    • resistance / cutting edge risk
      • github
    • time to implement codarts
    • streaming api’s
    • restrict heavy load queries prepared queries bynder
    • subquery optimization jesse / bryan