
people met

20181009 fronteers

Fronteers Conference 2018 · Day 1 · Thursday 4 October

08:00 – 08:50Registration08:50 – 09:00Opening words by our host Martin Splitt09:00 – 09:50

Espen Brunborg · The Secret Life of Comedy

  • Rhythm, expectations , breaking expectations (twists)
  • Story telling context conflict resolution

09:50 – 10:40John Wilander · Privacy by Default on the Web

  • Dark ads
  • High value content loses ads moved to cheaper websites after users were identified
  • Iframe sandboxing

Chiara Aliotta · I put a spell on you

  • Persuasion
  • Illusion
    • engage
    • motivate
    • process
  • Mental forcing
    • priming
    • authority
  • Miracle Netflix illusionist mentalist

12:00 – 12:50Laura Carvajal · But my site looks fine!

  • How to start:
    • a11y linting in builds as warnings, enforce them later
    • training

12:50 – 13:50Lunch13:50 – 14:40Chris Gannon · The Almighty Rabbit Hole

14:40 – 15:30Heydon Pickering · Get Your Priorities Straight

  • UX>design features 0 fucks given

15:30 – 16:00Break16:00 – 16:50Stefan Judis · What the v…DOM

  • React explained

?16:50 – 17:40Sebastiaan de With · Designing Halide: A Tactile Camera App

Fronteers Conference 2018 · Day 2 · Friday 5 October

08:00 – 08:50Registration08:50 – 09:00Opening by Martin Splitt09:00 – 09:50Evangelina Ferreira · The “C” is for Accessibility

09:50 – 10:40Mathias Bynens · V8 internals for JavaScript developers

  • Avoid Holey arrays prototype chain lookups necessary to check undefined elements
  • Holey arrays will always stay Holey preferably use array push to keep arrays packed
  • For const of preferable loop of Mathias

Estelle Weyl · Fast to Code. Fast to Load.

  • Tools coding, principles engineering
  • RDD resume driven develoment

12:00 – 12:50Kenneth Rohde Christiansen · Bridging the web and the physical world

12:50 – 13:50Lunch13:50 – 14:40Ruth John · How to Be a Web A/V Artist14:40 – 15:30Paul Verbeek-Mast · The Reasonable Developer15:30 – 16:00Break16:00 – 16:50Chris Lilley · Everything Changes16:50 – 17:40Nickolas Means · How to Crash an Airplane