Cold exposure is the deliberate introduction of the body to cold environments or cold water — whether in the form of cold showers, cold water immersion, or winter swimming. Subjecting the body to cold temperatures activates the sympathetic nervous system, triggering specific physiological responses including the release of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine

I’m quite interested in hot and cold treatment, as I thoroughly enjoy going to the Spa.

I was surprised to hear in a podcast with Brian Johnson that the Blueprint team did not incorporate hot and cold treatment into the blueprint program because the health effects weren’t as significant as other methods of improving Healthspan and lifespan

The points that still stood were that ice baths help reduce inflammation, which is also why icebaths are regularly used by pro CrossFit athletes after intense workouts to improve recovery


There are both mental and physical benefits of cold exposure — research has shown that deliberate cold exposure can have positive effects on blood flow and brown fat activation, influence insulin sensitivity, reduce post-exercise muscle soreness, and improve mental health.

Heat exposure can be equally impactful on health and well-being. It’s often achieved through sauna use which induces thermogenesis and mild hyperthermia. Much like with cold exposure, the body reacts to these elevated temperatures by regulating core temperature to return to homeostasis — many of the benefits of heat exposure derive from this process of temperature regulation.

As we delve deeper into the science behind cold and heat exposure, we’ll provide essential safety considerations, and science-backed guidelines for timing, locations, and duration for these practices. Whether you’re looking to incorporate cold therapy or sauna sessions into your routine, or are simply interested in the broad array of health benefits these practices offer, the content below will prove interesting and useful.
