
People met

20171006 fronteers

Wednesday, October 4, 201709:00 – 17:00Workshops by Val Head, Stephen Hay and Flaki20:00 – 01:00

FrontCheers 💫 , at De Tolhuistuin

Don’t Panic - Niels Leenheer

40Impostor Syndrome and Individual Competence - Jessica Rose @jesslynnrose

  • cognitive bias
  • impostor syndrome: unable to assess positive feedback
  • donny Kruger effect
  • stupid people don’t know they are stupid”
  • skilled people underestimate their skill

Modern Front-end Workflow - Umar Hansa

  • Install canary
  • Command p screenshot fullscreen
  • Audits
  • requestblocking
  • experiments shift 7 times

Caches all the way down - Yoav Weiss

Debugging Accessibility - Alice Boxhall

Up Your Writing with Plain Language - Ashley Bischoff

  • flesch-kincaid score: people read under sub-ideal circumstances
  • short sentences
  • use words with little syllables
  • ”no one has ever complained about something being too easy to read”

Honey, I Shrunk the Scripts! - István “Flaki” Szmozsánszky

  • Jerryscript running on pebble

Perfectly Portable v2.0 - Jennifer Geacone-Cruz

The Landscape of Front-End Testing - Alicia Sedlock @aliciability

  • percy.js visual diff (freshheroes)
  • perfbudget

A Ghost Story of CSS - Stephen Hay

Possibilities of WebVR and its role in the future- Ruben van der Leun

  • ahtml
  • webvr (modern vrml)

WebAssembly 101 - Ash Kyd

Choose Your Animation Adventure - Val Head

Emoji, Web Components, and Art - Monica Dinculescu15:30 – 16:00Break16:00 – 16:50I’m offline, cool! What now? - Ola Gasidlo16:50 – 17:40THE END - Jason Scott17:40 – 17:50Closing remarks by Sara Soueidan19:00 – 00:00Afterparty at Café De Jaren. We pick up the tab until the money runs out!