MLRun is an open MLOps platform for quickly building and managing continuous ML applications across their lifecycle. MLRun integrates into your development and CI/CD environment and automates the delivery of production data, ML pipelines, and online applications, significantly reducing engineering efforts, time to production, and computation resources. With MLRun, you can choose any IDE on your local machine or on the cloud. MLRun breaks the silos between data, ML, software, and DevOps/MLOps teams, enabling collaboration and fast continuous improvements.


  • take code and turn it into a serverless function
  • function consists of
    • name and tag (like docker container)
    • code point it towards code (notebook, codehub)
    • runtime: (how to execute)
    • image
    • resources

key points

  • open source community edition available
  • supports creation of workflows
    • ingestion
    • develop/train models
    • deploy models
  • supports serving and deployment to kubernetes