
Linkedin developer latform kamyar mohager

slecht verkooppraatje voor linkedin

  • foursquare api example (less is more, no platforms / modules)
  • linkedin had no goal other then: we need developer platform
  • same codebase for external and internal api: eat your own dogfood
  • dont let api fall behind on web functionality, api team should own the total app functionality
  • sandbox en ironment for developer access: catch bugs and missing features
  • restcall comnsole very effective
  • different tiers of developer support based on level of partner / contracts
  • metrics very important for business drivers, both internal and external

apigee, apache kafka messaging

Mheap application logs

  • consolidate logs with syslog
  • log messages with business value
  • add unique id to all request and log it in every layer
  • change log level with http post without restart
  • speaker feedback: you seem very nervous, give some visual examples of what you are telling to connect

logstash, graphite, kibana, statsd

Ben longden building better clients @blongden

  • use http client guzzle
  • hal

Testing ivan danny dinneen

  • discuss responsetime
  • exact copy of production, including load balancing etc.

David versioning your api

  • content negotioation
  • in url
  • no version
  • datebased loads of versions
  • add metadata with deprecation message
  • communication

Apigility Rob Allen

  • hal enabled, content negotiation, error message handling
  • code generation
  • early validation checking

python -mjson.tool


  • as a producer, wikis are nice vut consumers hate them
  • swagger is awesome, we know

Jsonapi steveklabnik

  • about language and communication
  • rfcs turn into communication language