Have you seen the “Nationale Strategie Digitaal Erfgoed” (Digital Heritage Strategy) by Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed? This initiative encourages cultural organizations to publish their collection data in the Linked Open Data Format.

For some time now, we’ve been actively involved in this sector, crafting innovative interactive experiences like Behrang Mousavi ‘s “The Other Interface” with Gijs Broos and Loïs Hutubessy at Nieuwe Instituut, in close collaboration with Wouter Beek and the excellent knowledge graph database product from his team at Triply, and the design team headed by Dan Michaelson at Linked by Air.

We also implement design thinking methodologies, such as Design Sprints, to help organisations visualise applications that utilize linked data. For example, we are currently exploring exciting new ways to interact across collections in the cultural network of Podiumkunst.net with Monique in het Veld, Mirjam Verloop and Remco de Boer.

If you want to learn more, we’d love to get in touch and explore the opportunities within your data. Whether that data are already linked or yet to be linked!
