Surprised to see that the gameplay from Spyro aged quite well. The graphical upgrade is very welcome and the game plays as smoothly as I remembered. The game is the ultimate example of the collect-a-thon genre, where the goal is to collect everything but it doesn’t feel like a chore. Because the game isn’t super hard, it is actually more inviting to collect everything because it won’t take you forever to discover all the hidden areas.
The simplicity of the game mechanics also works really well into the design of the enemies with a clear distinction of big enemies that need to be roasted and small enemies that need to be charged into. This results in a very flow like state where you are able to just run around through the levels and enjoy the pretty environments.
We have also discovered the game is completely localised into dutch, including all the voice acting and in game text, very well done and extra fun to share with our kids.