review binoculars

  • replacement for all in one DXP solutions
  • e.g. headless cms, separate personalisation engine, separate rendering engine
  • makes me think of Het Nieuwe Instituut webplatform:
    • strapi
    • nextjs

mach alliance

  • reference made by edgar to look into mach
  • mach
    • M - Microservices: Individual pieces of business functionality that are independently developed, deployed, and managed.
    • A - API-first: All functionality is exposed through an API.
    • C - Cloud-native SaaS: That leverages the cloud, beyond storage and hosting, including elastic scaling and automatically updating.
    • H - Headless: Front-end presentation is decoupled from back-end logic and channel, programming language, and is framework agnostic.
  • looks a lot like Common Ground actually
  • future proof, open and best of breed enterprise tech ecosystems
  • TODOresearch research mach maturity assessment


gartner on composability

  • src
  • ”By 2024, 20% of Global 2000 CEOs will report an increased appetite for risk and improved resilience,both attributed to modular business redesign.”
  • By 2024, the mantra for new SaaS will be “composable API-first and API-only,” relegating traditionalSaaS vendors as “legacy.”
  • principles
    • orchestration: prescribing and negotiating interactions between components, to enable recomposition and forming processes
    • modularity: partitioning a domain into managed components (to scale and control change)
    • autonomy: minimizing dependence of components form each other - to maintain integrity of change
    • discovery: ability to discover and understand design opportunities and components - to guide , track and secure change

gartner on process

  • creators (design, create building blocks)
  • curators (manage te marketplace of building blocks)
  • composers (use building blocks to compose applications)
  • consumers (use applications to achieve business goals)