Get the Edge by Anthony Robbins


The book/tape that got me in action to start Caring for your self.


  • dagelijkse mentale excercise: tijd, beweging, dankbaarheid, visualisatie, mantra’s
    • ipv “ik ga elke dag sporten” wordt het “ik maak elke dag tijd voor mezelf om dankbaar te zijn”
  • fysieke conditie / mentale conditie: andere kijk op het leven
  • betekenissen die je koppelt aan een gebeurtenis kan je direct veranderen
  • controle over je eigen emoties: signalen voor verandering
  • massive change requires massive action
  • financial: ^6dbb2a
    • vast percentage naar security, growth (beleggen) en dreams bucket
    • compounding moeilijk te bevatten
    • discipline
  • make life a game you can win



The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.


It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.


Success is doing what you love and being able to give it back to others.


Success is not determined by external circumstances, but by our mindset and the strategies we employ.


To achieve extraordinary results, we must continually push ourselves past our comfort zone and take massive action.


Mastering our emotions and cultivating a state of peak performance is essential for unlocking our full potential and achieving lasting success.


Our state of mind greatly impacts our ability to succeed.


If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real. ― Anthony Robbins, Get the Edge