I am thoroughly enjoying my role as a CTO-level tech analyst at TechMiners. The company provides a comprehensive due diligence process and tooling, enabling the highly experienced team of CTOs to efficiently conduct a deep analysis of an organization’s technology, team, culture, and scalability.

I get to investigate companies ranging from small AI startups to large software product enterprises by interviewing c-level and staff engineers, deep diving into the code and reading documentation to collect strengths, findings and recommendations. It’s highly gratifying to see how our external perspective provides insights and value to both investors and investee.

A special shout-out to my colleagues Thomas Frieling, Mario Baumgart, Daniel Jung, Enrique de Lima, and Jürgen Vogel for their expertise, support, and warm welcome!

Whether you are actively “seeking deal flow” as an investor, or curious about the health of your tech, team and product as an owner / CEO / CTO, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to get in touch have a chat about this fascinating field of work!
