

20161005 fronteers


:00 – 09:50Progressive Enhancement and CSS - Ire Aderinokun

  • adding aria roles to unrecognized html elements
  • @support() {} in CSS
  • 60% opera mini in Nigeria

09:50 – 10:40Hacking the Visual Norm - Nadieh Bremer

  • varonois
  • brushable charts
  • visualcinnamon
  • chord diagram with invisible arcs
  • lord of the rings words locations diagram

10:40 – 11:10Break11:10 – 12:00How You Do What You Do Is Who You Are - Scott Olson

  • 53, paper, pencil, mix
  • which parts of the app need to be seamless?
  • breakt out authflow / settings with page reload

12:00 – 12:50Offline, Progressive, and Multithreaded: a Peek at the… - Nolan Lawson

  • pouchdb (indexdb with sync)
  • multithreading
  • Android phoned with 4 cores can do 4 things slow at the same time
  • evan you about webappation performance

12:50 – 13:50Lunch break13:50 – 14:40Multi-user WebVR or: Wait, Who Are These People? - Martin Splitt

  • peer.js webrtc
  • webvr
  • threejs

14:40 – 15:30Big Data, Big Impact - Lodewijk Nauta

  • kpmg consultancy verhaal

15:30 – 16:00Break16:00 – 16:50Scaling Front End Development - Monika Piotrowicz

  • code reviews
  • getting feedback is a big perk
  • peer programming

16:50 – 17:40Surveying the Landscape - Peter Gasston

  • web is dying: move to mobile e.g. Apple deeplinking in apps
  • ”upload complete”
  • half of all connected humans use Facebook
  • shift from search to platforms
  • ”rise of meta platforms”

19:00 – 00:00Thursday Evening Programme at De Industrieele Groote Club featuring theJam Session

  • alexander klopping
  • roy tomei
  • bordspelletjes
  • vr room

09:00 – 09:50 Adapting to Input - Jason Grigsby

  • hover is back: anticipatory events
  • we cannot make assumptions on input based on screensize

09:50 – 10:40 Cheat Sheet to a Lean Website - Barbara Bermes

  • performance

11:10 – 12:00 Building Responsive CSS Components - Zell Liew

  • scaling type puts whitespace out of whack

12:00 – 12:50 CSP STS PKP SRI ETC OMG WTF BBQ - Scott Helme

  • many browserfeatures work on https only
  • http2 has performance boost with addded security
  • content security policy
  • only load src from certain locations
  • upgrade-insecure-request header httphttps
  • strict transport security
  • public key pinning
  • subresource integrity

13:50 – 14:40 Functional Animation - Sarah Drasner

  • opacity transforms cheapest animations

  • svg with viewport: 1 svg for 3 different images

  • greensock

14:40 – 15:30 World-Wide Web, not Wealthy Western Web - Bruce Lawson
15:30 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 16:50 Technologic (Human Afterall): Accessibility Mix - Léonie Watson
16:50 – 17:40 Joining Up the Dots - Heydon Pickering
17:40 – 18:00 Closing words
18:00 Afterparty at Café De Jaren. We pick up the tab until the money runs out!