
fronteers 2015

09:00 – 09:50Delivering Responsibly - Scott Jehl

  • critical css
  • http2 solves some issues but not all
  • fontfaceobservers font-swap

09:50 – 10:40Digital Governance - Lisa Welchman

  • Group size - Resource proximity
  • Clearer Guidance required in bigger teams
  • Stop running your 100 person team like a jazz trio
  • Effective scaling operates from standards
  • frameworks
  • who is working on your website
  • establish vision and who establishes it
  • must dos & must not dos
  • who decide nature of what you are making
  • teams
  • core team (make the rules)
  • distributed team (following & asking about rules)
  • working groups & committees (bridges)
  • extended team (impact)

10:40 – 11:10Break

11:10 – 12:00 Lightning Fast Sass - Chris Eppstein

12:00 – 12:50Walking the Tightrope Between Mediocrity and Bankruptcy - Primate

12:50 – 13:50Lunch break

13:50 – 14:40jsmpeg: Why a JavaScript Video Decoder Actually Makes Sense - Dominic Szablewski

  • jsmpeg play mpeg1 movies in JavaScript with full browser supprrt in 14kbs

14:40 – 15:30Front-end Style Guides - Anna Debenham

  • about Style guide types
  • element inventory
  • style tile (design snippets)
  • element collages (large canvas collage)
  • style prototype
  • CSS guidelines
  • pattern primer
  • Pattern lab generate style guide
  • Starbucks open source

15:30 – 16:00Break

16:00 – 16:50What is the Business Case for Accessibility? - Alice Bartlett

  • Accessibility widens audience more revenue
  • wave accessibility

16:50 – 17:40Modern Progressive Enhancement - Jake Archibald

  • Service workers
  • Backgroundsync

18:00 – 01:00Fronteers 2015 party at Grand Café Ovidius. We pick up the tab!

Friday 9th October08:50 – 09:00Opening words by Bruce Lawson09:00 – 09:50

Static Sites Go All Hollywood - Phil Hawksworth09:50 – 10:40

  • fewer vulnerabilities
  • portability
  • Jekyll goro
  • hipster tax
  • source content on buildtime instead of runtime
  • cms aas (contentful roots)
  • netlify
  • put distance between user and complexity

Modern Workflow + Tooling for Front-end Developers - Wes Bos

  • gulp-imagemin

10:40 – 11:10Break

11:10 – 12:00An Introduction to Open Data - Sally Jenkinson

So you’ve got things like the 2013 McKinsey and Company report which estimated that open data could generate $3 trillion in additional value per year across seven different sectors.

12:00 – 12:50Freedom Can Be Designed - Rejo Zenger

  • Bits of freedom
  • Dont ask data you dont need
  • Encrypt everything

12:50 – 13:50Lunch break13:50 – 14:40Hands-On Web Audio - Soledad Penadés

14:40 – 15:30But What About Old Browsers?!? -Rachel Andrew

  • Flexbox

15:30 – 16:00Break

16:00 – 16:50The Art of Debugging - Remy Sharp

  • passieve state
  • interactive state
  • screenshots visual debugging

16:50 – 17:40Of Gaps, Fillers and Empty Spaces… -Christian Heilmann17:40 – 18:00Closing words

people Met

20151007 fronteers