graph LR
A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle))
A --> C(Round Rect)
B --> D{Rhombus}
C --> D
example sequence diagram
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop HealthCheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts<br/>prevail...
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
example c4 deployment diagram
title Deployment Diagram for Internet Banking System - Live
Deployment_Node(mob, "Customer's mobile device", "Apple IOS or Android"){
Container(mobile, "Mobile App", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their mobile device.")
Deployment_Node(comp, "Customer's computer", "Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS"){
Deployment_Node(browser, "Web Browser", "Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,<br/> Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge"){
Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "JavaScript and Angular", "Provides all of the Internet Banking functionality to customers via their web browser.")
Deployment_Node(plc, "Big Bank plc", "Big Bank plc data center"){
Deployment_Node(dn, "bigbank-api*** x8", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){
Deployment_Node(apache, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){
Container(api, "API Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Provides Internet Banking functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API.")
Deployment_Node(bb2, "bigbank-web*** x4", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){
Deployment_Node(apache2, "Apache Tomcat", "Apache Tomcat 8.x"){
Container(web, "Web Application", "Java and Spring MVC", "Delivers the static content and the Internet Banking single page application.")
Deployment_Node(bigbankdb01, "bigbank-db01", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS"){
Deployment_Node(oracle, "Oracle - Primary", "Oracle 12c"){
ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.")
Deployment_Node(bigbankdb02, "bigbank-db02", "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS") {
Deployment_Node(oracle2, "Oracle - Secondary", "Oracle 12c") {
ContainerDb(db2, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.")
Rel(mobile, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS")
Rel(spa, api, "Makes API calls to", "json/HTTPS")
Rel_U(web, spa, "Delivers to the customer's web browser")
Rel(api, db, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC")
Rel(api, db2, "Reads from and writes to", "JDBC")
Rel_R(db, db2, "Replicates data to")
UpdateRelStyle(spa, api, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(web, spa, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(api, db, $offsetY="-20", $offsetX="5")
UpdateRelStyle(api, db2, $offsetX="-40", $offsetY="-20")
UpdateRelStyle(db, db2, $offsetY="-10")
example mindmap
Long history
::icon(fa fa-book)
British popular psychology author Tony Buzan
On effectiveness<br/>and features
On Automatic creation
Creative techniques
Strategic planning
Argument mapping
Pen and paper
example timeline
title Timeline of Industrial Revolution
section 17th-20th century
Industry 1.0 : Machinery, Water power, Steam <br>power
Industry 2.0 : Electricity, Internal combustion engine, Mass production
Industry 3.0 : Electronics, Computers, Automation
section 21st century
Industry 4.0 : Internet, Robotics, Internet of Things
Industry 5.0 : Artificial intelligence, Big data, 3D printing
title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System
Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "BankBoundary0") {
Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B")
Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C", "desc")
Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank, <br/> with personal bank accounts.")
System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.")
Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") {
SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")
System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") {
System(SystemA, "Banking System A")
System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.")
System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.")
SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") {
SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank.")
SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses")
BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses")
Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP")
Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to")
UpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor="red", $bgColor="grey", $borderColor="red")
UpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetX="5")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-10")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="-50")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $offsetX="-50", $offsetY="20")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
example c4 component diagram
title Component diagram for Internet Banking System - API Application
Container(spa, "Single Page Application", "javascript and angular", "Provides all the internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser.")
Container(ma, "Mobile App", "Xamarin", "Provides a limited subset to the internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile mobile device.")
ContainerDb(db, "Database", "Relational Database Schema", "Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.")
System_Ext(mbs, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")
Container_Boundary(api, "API Application") {
Component(sign, "Sign In Controller", "MVC Rest Controller", "Allows users to sign in to the internet banking system")
Component(accounts, "Accounts Summary Controller", "MVC Rest Controller", "Provides customers with a summary of their bank accounts")
Component(security, "Security Component", "Spring Bean", "Provides functionality related to singing in, changing passwords, etc.")
Component(mbsfacade, "Mainframe Banking System Facade", "Spring Bean", "A facade onto the mainframe banking system.")
Rel(sign, security, "Uses")
Rel(accounts, mbsfacade, "Uses")
Rel(security, db, "Read & write to", "JDBC")
Rel(mbsfacade, mbs, "Uses", "XML/HTTPS")
Rel_Back(spa, sign, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(spa, accounts, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(ma, sign, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
Rel(ma, accounts, "Uses", "JSON/HTTPS")
UpdateRelStyle(spa, sign, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(spa, accounts, $offsetX="40", $offsetY="40")
UpdateRelStyle(ma, sign, $offsetX="-90", $offsetY="40")
UpdateRelStyle(ma, accounts, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(sign, security, $offsetX="-160", $offsetY="10")
UpdateRelStyle(accounts, mbsfacade, $offsetX="140", $offsetY="10")
UpdateRelStyle(security, db, $offsetY="-40")
UpdateRelStyle(mbsfacade, mbs, $offsetY="-40")
quadrant chart
title Reach and engagement of campaigns
x-axis Low Reach --> High Reach
y-axis Low Engagement --> High Engagement
quadrant-1 We should expand
quadrant-2 Need to promote
quadrant-3 Re-evaluate
quadrant-4 May be improved
Campaign A: [0.3, 0.6]
Campaign B: [0.45, 0.23]
Campaign C: [0.57, 0.69]
Campaign D: [0.78, 0.34]
Campaign E: [0.40, 0.34]
Campaign F: [0.35, 0.78]
example use case diagram
flowchart LR
subgraph 'Online Shopping'
uc1((View items))
uc2((Make purchase))
uc3((Complete Checkout))
uc4((Log In))
credit[credit_payment_service 💳]
uc2 -. include .-> uc1
uc2 -. include .-> uc3