This talk was first given on the Nostr Nederland 3 Meetup April 2024 in Utrecht

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Experiencingvalue4value on Nostr as an independant artist

Peter Peerdeman a.k.a. Teder

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But first… a demo

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Hi i’m Peter

  • Father of 2
  • (former) technical director at Software agency
  • Interested in
    • Technology
    • Coffee
    • Personal Knowledge Management
    • Homelabs
    • Timeseries
    • ML Predictions
  • … and I dabble in Live Electronic Music

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On a weekend in March 2024…

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… I installed nostr clients on my phone and tablet

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… I created a “Wallet of Satoshi” lightning wallet and discovered my payment address

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… I filled in my profile, including the new lightning wallet address

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… shared a video of my latest EP release and streamed for 40 mins


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… and my phone kept on buzzing with microtransaction notifications

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In about 24 hours, the posts and livestream received 150 reactions
and about 29400 SATs ~ €19.

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These payments were spread amongst hundreds of microtransactions, costing a fraction of a cent each and
the funds were immediately at my disposal

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In about a week I built a list of 150 engaged fans,
that can seamlessly follow me across apps and
across servers, if a single nostr relay would censor my data.

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  1. Rewards for any content
  2. Creation motivation
  3. Reciprocity
  4. Split pay commission
  5. Content & following portability

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1. Rewards for any content

you can get rewards for any type of content you can share

turning a virtual "likes" into sats with monetary value,
independent of platform ad revenue,
amplifies these feelings

even rewards for replies and engagement with fans

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2. creation motivation

A continuous stream of rewards provides…

  • attention: dopamine hits that make you feel appreciated
  • feedback: figuring out what content your audience values most
  • motivation: an incentive to keep sharing higher quality posts

turning a virtual "likes" into sats with monetary value,
independent of platform ad revenue,
amplifies these feelings

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3. reciprocity

Reciprocity is a powerful tool of influence,
because it is based on the principle of fairness.

—Robert Cialdini (from Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion)

this fairness works both ways, from the audience but also from creators:
for example by giving back to other creators,
or by producing more valueable content for the audience

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4. split pay settlement of commissions

rewards can be split among collaborators, and instantly settled on each payment

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4. split pay settlement of commissions

saves time in administration,
is transparent, and decreases barriers
to include more contributors

rewards can be split among collaborators, and instantly settled on each payment

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5. content & following portability

  • You own your content, no matter what app.
  • You broadcast your content to any server.
  • Your followers list cannot be censored
  • Your followers list is consistent in all apps
  • Your identity is consistent in all apps

having followers easily discover (and reward)
your content across apps motivates creation

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  1. rewards for any content
  2. creation motivation
  3. reciprocity
  4. split pay commission
  5. content & following portability

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Thank you for your attention 🙏

Feel free to share this presentation with creators!

slides and meetup writeup will be published to

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Experiencingvalue4value on Nostr as an independant artist

Peter Peerdeman a.k.a. Teder

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grab Teder merch from BTC Lightning store!