the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.


  • 2024 total worldwide $184.00bn

    • machine learning 79bn
    • natural language processing 36bn
    • autonomous/sensor: 25bn
    • computer vision 25bn
    • robotics 17bn
  • projected 2030 total worldwide 826bn (! x4)

    • machine learning 503bn
    • natural language processing 156bn
    • autonomous/sensor: 55bn
    • computer vision 46bn
    • robotics 64bn from
  • specific datapoint without source: text/video/image annotation 3.5bln market in 2024


  • Dangerous tool for empowering authorian regimes with oppression enablers
  • Misuse of AI in AI Warfare

earlier writings / publications


Machine Learning Operations

ML Intrusion Detection

Large Language Models

AI learning 2024

AI Sovereignty

Deep Learning

Machine Learning Models

Previous AI experience peter 2010-2023
